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Atzmai Shchir

Atzmai Sachir

Independent Employee

Our service

Our company provides a solution for the self-employed employee who does not want to open files with the tax authorities.

Subscribe to our company

The work process is very simple. In order to subscribe to our company, you must log in at:

There, you will need to fill out personal details, and 3 forms: 101 (form of the IRS) and an agreement.
Also, you will need to attach a scan of your I.D and fill out a 6101 form for Bituach Leumi (Social Security) that declares you are an independent to BL and an employee to Mas Hachnasa (IRS).

In case you have another income, you will need to attach tax coordination.

After we will receive everything from you, we will confirm you, and you will be able to order invoices through our website. We will send the invoices to your clients. Please take for consideration that there is 17% VAT on every invoice.


The payment for the invoice should arrive to us and on our name, whether if it is a bank transfer / check / cash.
Once we receive the money, we will transfer it to your bank account through a pay slip.
If the payment arrives by check, we will transfer it to you after 4 business days.
If the payment arrives by bank transfer or cash, we will transfer it to you after 1 business day.

The financial meaning of the pay slip is that you will need to pay taxes:

Bituach Leumi (Social Security) as an independent, the amount depends on income.
5% - our fee.
17% - VAT.
Mas Hachnasa (IRS) - depends on income above 4900 NIS.

Payment methods: Bit, PAYPAL, Check, Cash, Bank Transfer, PAYBOX, Credit.

Our Services

Dun's Credibility - Dun & Bradstreet

Dun's Credibility - Dun & Bradstreet

Atzmai Sachir was awarded the international credibility seal of Dun & Bradstreet, the seal is a mark of quality for professionalism, seniority, reliability and leadership of the company in its field, only 3% of companies in Israel receive this award.

Included in our service

Our system

  • Generate invoices free of charge and unlimited.

  • No monthly subscription fees.

  • An original digital invoice is sent to the customer.

  • Mobile alerts on outgoing invoice and received payments.

  • Full and clear picture of income and salary slips.

  • 106 Form at the end of a year that includes all employment data.

Accounting service

  • Help with any accounting problem with the authorities.

  • Ongoing management with Social Security.

  • Helping with collecting money from problematic clients.

  • Payments to vendors for tax invoice.

  • Offsetting business-related expenses.

  • Payments are immediately and not at the end of the month.

  • Financial planning according to the various tax laws and regulations.

  • Retirement pension and continuing education fund.

  • Credit points credit: for children, single parent, degrees and more.

  • Exempt from opening tax files.

  • Exempt from filling monthly reports.

  • Exemption from filling a concluding annual report.

  • Exemption from filling a fanancial statement by a CPA.

Economic consulting and financial analysis

Deployment of receipts and low tax payment
Get the money at once, but the slips split into several months to avoid paying high tax.

Possible pension provision
Can be set aside in the slip, which is a recognized expense for tax purposes.

Low fees in insurance companies
As a result of the "group effect" (since we have a lot of insureds), we get reduced prices to our pension fund customers.

Management and payment for pensions
Taking care of pensions and provident funds in the insurance companies includes handling t of recurrent feeds.

Low prices on insurance
Life insurance, risk, loss of work capacity, personal accidents, mortgage insurance, etc.
Personal and individual escort by an insurance agent.

Join our service

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